“Kierkegaard – A Transcendental Phenomenologist?”
- When: December 8, 2020, 17:00-20:00
- Where: Zoom – Virtual session of the American Kierkegaard Society, American Academy of Religion, USA
- Title of lecture: “Kierkegaard – A Transcendental Phenomenologist? Response to Merold Westphal”
- For more information, see https://kierkegaardsocietyusa.com
“How to Speak of That Which Transcends Language? Skepticism and Its Refutation in Levinas’s Philosophy”
- When: November 24, 2020, 16:30-18:30
- Where: Zoom – Virtual reading evening at Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies, Hamburg University, Germany
- Title of lecture: “How to Speak of That Which Transcends Language? Skepticism and Its Refutation in Levinas’s Philosophy”
- For more information, see https://www.maimonides-centre.uni-hamburg.de/fellows/projects/2020-2021/welz.html
Tillich lecture (Livestream/Webinar): Gott ‘und’ das Böse denken – ein Missverständnis?
- When: June 23, 2020, 19:00-20:30
- Where: Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt & Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
- Title of lecture: “Gott ‚und‘ das Böse – Paul Tillich, Franz Rosenzweig und Abraham Joshua Heschel”
- For more information, see https://www.evangelische-akademie.de/kalender/gott-und-das-boese-denken/ and https://youtu.be/7aCy51BSDmI
Contribution to Ringvorlesung at the University of Berne: Theologie des Hörens
- When: March 16, 2020 (NB: postponed until spring 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
- Where: Theologische Fakultät, Universität Bern
- Title of lecture: “Hören und Erhört-Werden: ‘Der das Ohr gepflanzt hat, sollte der nicht hören?'”
- For more information, see https://www.theol.unibe.ch/unibe/portal/fak_theologie/content/e17260/e17261/e311552/pane895957/e895960/2020_Ringvorlesung_theologie_des_hoerens_ger.pdf
Lecture at the University of Siegen: Living as Learning-to-Die
- When: January 29, 2020, 12:00-14:00
- Where: Universität Siegen, Philosophisches Seminar
- Title of lecture: “Leben als Sterbenlernen: Von Heidegger und Levinas zu Hannah Arendt und Simone Weil”
- For more information, see https://www.uni-siegen.de/phil/philosophie/philosophie_am_mittag/