Teaching on BA, MA, and PhD levels

View from Nobelparken, Aarhus University
Theology & Religious Studies, Aarhus University


1.4 Institute for Culture and Society, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University

Fall/Winter 2020

- MA course: “Diakonal etik [Ethics in Social Welfare Work]” (Philosophical and Theological Ethics, taught in Danish, blended learning on campus and online via video conferences, 13 x 3h, 10 ECTS, ensuing oral exams)

- MA course: “Religionspluralisme [Pluralism of Religions]” (elective interdisciplinary compact course taught in Danish, 2 x 7h individual teaching by Ulla Bidstrup (Practical Theology), 2 x 7h by Peter Lodberg (Dogmatics), and 2 x 7h by Claudia Welz (Philosophy of Religion), 10 ECTS, portfolio examination including graded written assignment)

Spring 2021

- BA course: “Studium generale for teologer [Introduction into the History of Ideas and Theory of Science]” (mandatory course for theologians, taught in Danish, 13 x 4 h for two groups of students, with ensuing oral exams)

- MA course: “Bønnens teologi og fænomenologi – en økumenisk og interreligiøs tilgang [Theology and Phenomenology of Prayer – an Ecumenical and Interreligious Approach]” (Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, elective course, taught in Danish, 13 x 3h, with ensuing written assignment)

Fall/Winter 2021

- MA course: “Diakonal etik [Ethics in Social Welfare Work]” (Philosophical and Theological Ethics, taught in Danish, blended learning on campus and online via video conferences, 13 x 3h, 10 ECTS, ensuing oral exams)

- MA course: “Kierkegaard, eksistenstænkning og livskriser [Kierkegaard, existential philosophy and life crises]” (Ethics and Philosophy of Religion & Biblical Exegesis, elective interdisciplinary compact course taught in Danish, 13 x 3 h, 10 ECTS, portfolio examination including graded written assignment, taught together with Bjarke Mørkøre Stigel Hansen and René Falkenberg)

- contribution to BA course: “Kierkegaard and modern existentialism” (Philosophy and Theology, elective interdisciplinary course taught in English, 13 x 4h, 10 ECTS, portfolio examination including graded written assignment, taught together with Anders Moe Rasmussen)

Summer/Fall 2022

- MA course: “Konfessionel identitet og religionsdialog [Denominational identity and interreligious dialogue]” (Ethics and Philosophy of Religion & Dogmatics, elective interdisciplinary compact course taught in Danish, 13 x 3h, 10 ECTS, portfolio examination including graded written assignment, taught together with Lars Sandbeck, Folkekirkens Videns- og Uddannelsescenter Danmark)

- MA course: “Diakonal etik [Ethics in Social Welfare Work]” (Philosophical and Theological Ethics, taught in Danish, on campus and online via video conferences, 13 x 3h, 10 ECTS, ensuing oral exams)

Spring 2023

- BA course: “Studium generale for teologer [Introduction into the History of Ideas and Theory of Science]” (mandatory course for theologians, taught in Danish, 13 x 4 h for two groups of students, 10 ECTS, with ensuing oral exams)

Fall/Winter 2023

- MA course: “Diakonal etik [Ethics in Social Welfare Work]” (Philosophical and Theological Ethics, taught in Danish, on campus and online via video conferences, 13 x 3h, 10 ECTS, ensuing oral exams)

- MA course: “Home and Away: Historical and Conceptual Perspectives on Travel and Hospitality” (Biblical Exegesis & Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, elective interdisciplinary course taught in English, 13 x 3h, 10 ECTS, portfolio examination including graded written assignment, taught together with Elisa Uusimäki)

- “Teologi for lægfolk [Theology for laymen]” at Diakonhøjskolen in Aarhus: advanced level course “Bønnens teologi og fænomenologi: En økumenisk og inter-religiøs tilgang [Theology and Phenomenology of Prayer – an Ecumenical and Interreligious Approach]” (Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, elective course, taught in Danish, 5 x 2h, without examination)

Spring 2024

- BA course: “Studium generale for teologer [Introduction into the History of Ideas and Theory of Science]” (mandatory course for theologians, taught in Danish, 13 x 4 h, 10 ECTS, with ensuing oral exams)

- MA course: “Bønnens teologi og fænomenologi – en økumenisk og interreligiøs tilgang [Theology and Phenomenology of Prayer – an Ecumenical and Interreligious Approach]” (Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, elective course, taught in Danish, 13 x 3h, 10 ECTS, with ensuing oral exams)

Fall 2024

- MA course: “Home and Away: Historical and Conceptual Perspectives on Travel and Hospitality” (Biblical Exegesis & Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, elective interdisciplinary course taught in English, 13 x 3h, 10 ECTS, portfolio examination including graded written assignment, taught together with Elisa Uusimäki)

Spring 2025

- BA course: “Studium generale for teologer [Introduction into the History of Ideas and Theory of Science]” (mandatory course for theologians, taught in Danish, 13 x 4 h, 10 ECTS, with ensuing oral exams)

- MA course: “Bønnens teologi og fænomenologi – en økumenisk og interreligiøs tilgang [Theology and Phenomenology of Prayer – an Ecumenical and Interreligious Approach]” (Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, elective course, taught in Danish, 13 x 3h, 10 ECTS, with ensuing oral exams)