1.3 Institut für evangelische Theologie, University of Duisburg-Essen
Summer 2020 (due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all courses were taught online via Zoom conferences and with the help of the e-learning platform Moodle; the study day scheduled for June was postponed) - BA course: “Theologische, phänomenologische und ethische Aspekte des Gebets [Theological, Phenomenological, and Ethical Aspects of Prayer]" (Systematic Theology, 13 x 2h. 9 ECTS, ensuing graded written assignment) - BA and MA course: "Das Gewissen - ein theologischer und ethischer Schlüsselbegriff [Conscience – A Theological and Ethical Key Concept1" (Systematic Theology, 13 x 2h. 9 ECTS, graded papers or ensuing graded written assignment) - BA and MA course: "Jüdische und christliche Zugänge zur Gottebenbildlichkeit des Menschen und seiner Schöpfungsverantwortung [Jewish and Christian Approaches to Humanity in God’s Image and Human Responsibility for Creation]" (Systematic Theology, 13 x 2h. 9 ECTS, graded papers or ensuing graded written assignment) - Study day in Theology, Philosophy, and Educational Theory: "‘Aller Unterricht endet in einer Art Schweigen’: Sprache und (in)direkte Mitteilung bei Hamann und Kierkegaard [Language and (In)Direct Communication in Hamann and Kierkegaard]" (Together with Hamann expert Harald Steffes; interdisciplinary approach, 3 x 2h)