
Podcasts and radio transmissions

  1. Self, Emotions, and Normativity” (Part of a video on the research at the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen).
  2. Synliggørelsens problematik” (Online resource for high school students / Teologisk ressourcerum 2011: “At være på – muligheder og problemer” at the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen).
  3. Contribution to “‘Wort für Wort’: Das Religiöse im Werk des Elazar Benyoëtz. Gestaltung: Martin Gross” (Radio program on ORF = Österreichischer Rundfunk: Motive – Glauben und Zweifeln, 16.09.2012, accessible via and
  4. Description of current research on occasion of receiving the Elite Research prize 07.02.2013 (article and video-interview on the homepage of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education, Denmark).
  5. Description of current research on the occasion of receiving the EliteForsk prize, 07.02.2013, interviewed by Anne Rahbek: “Selvet er sagen for teologisk eliteforsker” (= news on the homepage of the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen); English version “Exploring Human Self-Understanding and Its Limits” (= news on the homepage of the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen).
  6. Lecture on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Kierkegaard’s birth: “Kierkegaard om samvittighed og selvbedrag,” 18.04.2013 (Kierkegaard i Rundetårn – livestream, University of Copenhagen, Podcast)
  7. Contribution to “Vertrauen, ein sensibles Gebilde” – Feature “Vertrauen. Der Kitt der Gesellschaft. Von Veronika Wawatschek” (Radio program “radioWissen” / Bayrischer Rundfunk, 31.12.2014, accessible via (podcast), more information:
  8. “From Confusion to Clarity: Paradoxes of Orientation as Courageous Beginnings” Inauguration speech in honor of Werner Stegmaier at the launch of the Hodges Foundation for Philosophical Orientation in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, on October 25, 2019 (see a podcast of the talk at
  9. “Gott ‘und’ das Böse – Paul Tillich, Karl Barth, Franz Rosenzweig und Abraham Joshua Heschel”. Paul-Tillich-lecture: Gott ‚und‘ das Böse denken – ein Missverständnis?, Goethe-University & Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt, on June 23, 2020 (see


  1. “Between You and Me: Listening, Neighborly Love, and Second-Person Poetics” forthcoming in: Neighbor-Love: Poetics of Love and Agape, ed. Irina Hron and Håkan Möller, Stockholm: The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities 2024.
  2. “Buber’s Relational Ontology and Dialogical Listening” forthcoming in: Chicago Companion to Martin Buber, ed. Paul Mendes-Flohr, Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2025.
  3. “At lytte til hinanden og lære af hinanden. Religionsdialog i anledning af en luthersk-muslimsk vielse i folkekirken” in: En verden til forskel. Religionsteologi til folkekirken i et mangfoldigt samfund, ed. Ane Kirstine Brandt and Sigrid la Cour Sonne, Frederiksberg: Forlaget Eksistensen 2025, 101-124.
  4. “Erfahrung mit der Erfahrung – und über sie hinaus: Phänomenologische Methodologie und göttliche Transzendenz” in: Phänomenologie und Theologie, ed. Bernhard Nitsche, Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber 2025.
Poul Isbek, “Escalier surmonté d’un livre bleu” (2002) at the University of Copenhagen, Amager