08.-10.02.2007 Conference and PhD course: “Despite Oneself. Subjectivity and its Secret in Kierkegaard and Levinas” (CFS, University of Copenhagen, co-organized with Karl Verstrynge)
13.-15.03.2008 Conference and PhD course: “Religion and Subjectivity. Reconsidering the Relational Self” (CFS, University of Copenhagen, co-organized with Arne Grøn and Carsten Pallesen)
04.-05.12.2008 Conference: “Trust, Sociality, Selfhood” (CFS, University of Copenhagen, co-organized with Arne Grøn)
14.05.2009 Conference: “Trust, Emotion and Uncertainty” (CFS, University of Copenhagen)
27.-28.08.2009 Conference: “Atrocities, Emotion, Self” (CFS, University of Copenhagen, co-organized with Thomas Brudholm and Arne Grøn)
25.-26.10.2011 Conference and PhD course: “Ethics of In-Visibility: Imago Dei, Memory, and the Prohibition of Images” (Department of Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen, sponsored by the research project “In-visibilis: Visibility and Transcendence in Religion, Art, and Ethics”)
03.-07.10.2012 Conference and PhD course: “Visibility and Transcendence in Religion, Art and Ethics” (Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, co-organized with the research group In-visibilis)
08.-09.10.2013 Conference: “Memory, Identity, and Limits of Understanding: Jewish Sources and Resources (Part 1)” (Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
25.-26.03.2014 Conference and PhD course: “Memory, Identity, and Limits of Understanding: Jewish Sources and Resources (Part 2)” (CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
15.05.2014 Research seminar and PhD course: “Commemoration and Re-Presentation of the Past” (CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
21.10.2014 Workshop and PhD course: “Aesthetics of Memory” (CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
28.-29.04.2015 Workshop and PhD course with Paul Mendes-Flohr: “Judaism despite Christianity? The 1916 Correspondence between Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy and Franz Rosenzweig” (CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
07.-09.10.2015 Conference, workshop and PhD course: “Trauma, Memory, Media” (CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
23.10.2015 Research seminar: “The Concept of Trauma” (CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, co-organized with Gry Ardal Printzlau, sponsored by the research project “Self-Understanding and Self-Alienation: Existential Hermeneutics and Psychopathology”)
05.09.2016 Research seminar and PhD course: “Jewish Women’s Voices in the 19th Century (No. 1)” (CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
6.-7.10.2016 Workshop and PhD course: “The Problem of Evil and Images of (In)Humanity” (CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
01.11.2016 Research seminar and PhD course: “Jewish Women’s Voices in the 19th Century (No. 2)” (CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
12.01.2018 Research seminar and PhD course: “Transfiguring Pain Poetically: Exploring the Liberating Potential of Artistic Creation” (CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, co-organized with Cathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen)
27.-28.05.2021 Online conference, PhD and postdoctoral course: “Agapeistic Ethics: Exploring the Second-Person Perspective” (Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University)
25.-26.08.2021 Conference, PhD and postdoctoral course: “Relational Ontology in Luther, Kierkegaard, and Løgstrup: Investigating the ‘in-between’ Self and Other” (Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, co-organized with Bjørn Rabjerg and Sasja Stopa)
15.-16.06.2022 Conference, PhD and postdoctoral course: “Epistemic Virtues and the Practice of Dialogue” (Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, co-organized with Essi Ikonen)
15.-15.08.2022 Conference and PhD course: “Truth and Truthfulness: Biblical, Philosophical and Theological Approaches” (Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University)
22.-23.09.2022 Conference, PhD and postdoctoral course: “Dialogue and the Art of Listening” (Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, co-organized with Essi Ikonen)
9.-10.05.2023 Conference and PhD course: “Hospitality, Listening, and Dialogue” (Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, co-organized with Essi Ikonen and Bjarke Mørkøre Stigel Hansen)
13.-14.09.2023 Conference, PhD and postdoctoral course: “Ethics, Religion, and Resonance (including a Master class and Futures Lecture with Hartmut Rosa)” (Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University)
13.-14.12.2023 Conference, PhD and postdoctoral course: “‘Dialogue’ – A Trans-Disciplinary Concept and Bridge-Building Practice” (Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University).
15.-16.05.2024 Conference and PhD course: “Existential Orientation and Meaning in Life” (Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University)
Kristiansand, Norway: Memorial for the young people who are sorely missed after the terrorist attack on the island of Utøya
Lectures and research seminars
25.03.2011 “Jewish Testimonies of the Holocaust: Translation, Memory, Literature” (Lecture by Jan Schwarz, Chicago/Lund, at the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
22.02.2012 “Bønnens fundamentalteologiske betydning hos Karl Barth” (Lecture by Christine Svinth-Værge Pöder, Tallinn/Århus, at the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
06.09.2012 “Gebet, Theologie und die Stimme der Stille: Zu Elazar Benyoëtz' Sandkronen” (Poetry reading by Elazar Benyoëtz, Jerusalem, and lecture by Claudia Welz, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
12.09.2012 “Phenomenology of the Nonphenomenalizable: Metaphor and the Ethics of the Invisible in Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Levinas” (Lecture by Elliot R. Wolfson, New York, at the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
03.09.2013 “Research Seminar: Danish Network for Holocaust and Genocide Researchers” (Papers by Jakob Feldt, Jan Schwarz, Robin May Schott, Claudia Welz at the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
28.03.2014 “Futurity: Why the Past Matters” (Lecture by Amir Eshel, Stanford, at the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
05.05.2015 Two lectures on occasion of the 70th anniversary of Denmark's liberation 1945:Post-Holocaust Theology, Philosophy and Literature (CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
- “The God of History and Theology after Auschwitz” (Jayne Svenungsson, Lund)
- “Memory, Shame and Dignity” (Göran Rosenberg, Stockholm)
30.09.2015 “Culture, Memory, Context: Reenactments of Traumatic Histories in Europe and Eurasia” (Lecture by Shelley Salamensky, Louisville, at CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
08.04.2016 “Judaism, Writing, and Oral History after 1945” (Research seminar at CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
15.06.2016 “Praying with the Angels: Transformation of the Self and the Text in Ancient Judaism” (Lecture by Hindy Najman, University of Oxford, at CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, co-organized with Christian Benne)
15.09.2017 “The Sonic Persona” (Lecture by Holger Schulze, University of Copenhagen & Sound Studies Lab, Berlin, at CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
20.10.2017 “Phenomenology of Listening (no. 1): Theology” (Research seminar at CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
10.11.2017 “Listening, Writing and the Founding of the Law: Notes on Exodus 32:19-20” (Lecture by Andrew Benjamin, Monash University, Melbourne, at CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
16.03.2018 “Phenomenology of Listening (no. 2): Existential Psychopathology” (Research seminar at CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
03.05.2018 “Phenomenology of Listening (no. 3): Ethics and the Voice of Conscience” (Research seminar at CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
06.09.2018 “Phenomenology of Listening (no. 4): Psychoanalysis and Logotherapy” (Research seminar at CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
04.10.2018 “Phenomenology of Listening (no. 5): Silence and Resonance” (Research seminar at CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
04.03.2019 “Abraham Sutzkever’s Holocaust Narratives: A Poetics of Resistance” (Lecture by Jan Schwarz, Lund University, at CJMC, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen)
13.09.2021 Online seminar at Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University: “A Modest Proposal: Toward a Religious Politics of Epistemic Humility” (Lecture by and discussion with Menachem Fisch, Tel Aviv University)
04.03.2022 Opening seminar of the new Research Unit for Kierkegaard Studies at Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University: “Kierkegaard’s Methodology in the Context of the History of Philosophy” (Lecture by Philipp Schwab, University of Freiburg: “‘Working against Oneself’: Kierkegaard's Indirect Method between Hegel and Nietzsche”)
09.03.2022 Online seminar at Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University: “The Development of an Inter-Epistemological Approach to Religious Conflicts” (Lectures by and discussion with Luca di Blasi, University of Berne, and Elad Lapidot, Université de Lille)
22.04.2022 “Faith and Reason” (Lecture by Roe Fremstedal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, at Research Unit for Kierkegaard Studies, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University)
17.06.2022 “Migration and hospitality, climate crisis & environmental ethics” (Meeting of colleagues from the universities in Oslo & Aarhus at Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University)
02.09.2022 Online lecture at Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University: “Judaism Facing the Challenges of Modernity” (Lecture by Paul Mendes-Flohr, University of Chicago/Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
21.12.2022 “Religion, Migration, and Hospitality” (Interdisciplinary research seminar at Department of Theology, Aarhus University)
10.05.2023 “Hospitality: A Taste of Eternity“ (Lecture by Paul Mendes-Flohr, University of Chicago/Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with Festschrift-presentation for him at Museum of Antiquity, Aarhus University)
16.05.2023 “Auto-Philosophy and Life-Writing: Kierkegaard as Artist” (Lecture by Clare Carlisle, King’s College London, at Research Unit for Kierkegaard Studies, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University)
15.05.2024 “Kierkegaard’s Existential Approach: The Single Individual Between Faith and Reason” (Lecture by René Rosfort, University of Copenhagen, at Research Unit for Kierkegaard Studies, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University)
06.06.2024 "Theologische Motive des Widerstands gegen den Nationalsozialismus: Dietrich Bonhoeffer und die internationale ökumenische Zusammenarbeit 1934-45" (lectures by Tim Lorentzen, Kiel University, and Peter Tudvad, Meißen, co-organized with Mattias Sommer Bostrup at Department of Theology, Aarhus University)
30.09.2024 "Religious Resources for Peace" (online lecture by and dialogue with Rabbi Michael Melchior, Jerusalem & Scandinavia, at Department of Theology, Aarhus University)
07.10.2024 "Infelicitous inter-religious hospitality and religious resources for peace" (online dialogue with Marianne Moyaert, KU Leuven, Belgium, at Department of Theology, Aarhus University)
Book launches and film presentations
07.10.2016 Claudia Welz, Humanity in God’s Image: An Interdisciplinary Exploration, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press (August 2016)
28.10.2016 Paul Auster and Inge Birgitte Siegumfeldt, En verden i ord. Paul Auster i samtale med Inge Birgitte Siegumfeldt, Copenhagen: Lindhardt & Ringhof (September 2016); A Life in Words: Paul Auster in Conversation with I.B. Siegumfeldt, New York: Seven Stories Press
03.03.2017 Jessica Ortner, Poetologie „nach Auschwitz“: Narratologie, Semantik und sekundäre Zeugenschaft in Elfriede Jelineks Roman Die Kinder der Toten, Berlin: Frank & Timme 2016
07.04.2017 Documentary “Breaking the Shadows” by Anne Gyrithe Bonne20.09.2019 Claudia Welz and Elazar Benyoëtz, SinnSang: Theologie und Poesie. Aphorismen - Essays - Briefe, Wuppertal: NordPark-Verlag 2019.
10.05.2023Ethical and Epistemological Aspects of 'Dialogue': Exploring the Potential of the Second-Person Perspective. A Festschrift in honor of Paul Mendes-Flohr on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. Presentation at Aarhus University.