Lectures, talks, papers

26.03.2015       “Trauma, Memory, Testimony” Judaic Studies in the Nordic Countries Today: Roundtable seminar at the Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History in Åbo/Turku, Finland.

04.05.2015       Invitation to deliver the sermon at memorial service on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Denmark’s liberation from German occupation in 1945 in Gilleleje Church, Denmark.

26.05.2015       “Post-traumatic growth? Tavshed og tale i omgang med afmagt, angst og sorg” Stiftspræstestævne, Roskilde Stift, Liselund, Denmark.

06.11.2015       Response to Johanne Stubbe Teglbjærg Kristensen’s AAR-paper “Hope and the Body: Jürgen Moltmann’s Eschatology of Resurrection from the Perspective of the Phenomenology of the Body” Research Seminar, Section of Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen.

18.08.2016       “The Voice of Conscience, Kierkegaard’s Theory of Indirect Communication, and Buber’s Philosophy of Dialogue” SKC Annual Conference: Reconsidering the Existential: The Aesthetic, the Ethical, the Religious, Kierkegaard Research Centre, University of Copenhagen.

20.08.2016       “A Voice Crying out from the Wound – With or Without Words: On Trauma, Speech, and Silence” Endangered Selves and Societies: Theologies of Tragedies and Disasters, COPE / Research group Changing Disaster, University of Copenhagen.

23.09.2016       “Theologische Aspekte der Menschenwürde und deren Bedeutung angesichts von schwerer Krankheit” (Plenarvortrag) at the Jahrestagung der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin (AEM): Auf Augenhöhe – Zur Bedeutung der Menschenwürde in Medizin und Gesundheitswesen, Bielefeld University, Germany.

6.10.2016         “Facing the Problem of Evil: Visual, Verbal, and Mental Images of (In)Humanity” The Problem of Evil and Images of (In)Humanity, CJMC, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

04.11.2016       “Gudbilledlighed, menneskeværd og medicinetik” Research Seminar, Section of Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

07.11.2016       “‘Der Zweifel ist ein Abweichen, kein Ausweichen’: Intellektuelle Redlichkeit und die Unglaublichkeit des Glaubens bei Elazar Benyoëtz” Zitat und Zeugenschaft: Tagung zum Werk von Elazar Benyoëtz, Universität Bern, Switzerland.