Lectures, talks, papers

29.01.2009       “Frihed til kærlighed – Luther og Kierkegaard” Søren Kierkegaard Selskabet, Copenhagen, Denmark.

09.05.2009       “Love’s Afflictions” Love – Beyond ’Works of Love’, Annual Seminar of The Søren Kierkegaard Society of the UK, Christ Church College, University of Oxford, England.

19.05.2009       “Becoming Oneself vis-à-vis the Other: Trust and Self-Transformation in Kierkegaard and Rosenzweig” Nous et les Autres, Conference of the International Rosenzweig Society, University of Paris, France.

23.05.2009       “Seeing Oneself in the Mirror of Conscience” Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg, Germany.

28.08.2009       “Shame and the Hiding Self” Atrocities, Emotion, Self, CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

20.10.2009       “Varieties of Self-Deception: The Self, Its In-Visibility and Problematic Unity” CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

14.11.2009       “Mennesket mellem selvafsløring og selvbedrag” San Cataldo, Scala, Italy.

26.11.2009       “Tillid, subjektivitet og socialitet” San Cataldo, Scala, Italy.

11.12.2009       “Das Gewissen als Instanz der Selbsterschließung” (Probevorlesung) University of Zürich, Switzerland.

16.01.2010       “Love, Ipseity, and the Second-Person Perspective” CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

03.03.2010       “Über das radikale Böse in der menschlichen Natur: Kant zwischen Luther und Levinas” Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

08.03.2010       “Phenomenology of Religious Life: Kierkegaard and Heidegger” Christ Church College, University of Oxford, England.

10.03.2010       “Quaestio mihi factus sum: Phenomenology of Religious Life as Hermeneutics of Human Existence” Philosophy of Religion and Phenomenology, CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

27.05.2010       “Response to Thomas Brudholm’s ‘An Anatomy of Hatred’” Institute for Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

01.06.2010       “A wandering dog as ‘the last Kantian in Nazi Germany’ – Revisiting the debate about Levinas’ supposed anti-naturalistic humanism” CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

06.07.2010       “Vertrauen und/oder Gewissheit? Kontroverstheologische und religionsphilosophische Fragen im Anschluss an Luther, Kierkegaard und Wittgenstein” Arbeitstagung Glaube, Hoffnung, Vertrauen, Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie & Collegium Helveticum, University of Zürich, Switzerland.

20.08.2010       “Becoming and Overcoming Oneself: Kierkegaard and the Puzzles of Self-Deception” Kierkegaard: Being and Becoming a Self, Kierkegaard Research Centre, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

21.09.2010       “On Certainty and Uncertainty: Difficulties in Explaining Delusions” CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

06.10.2010       “Det teologiske projekt” Studienævnets temadag: Det teologiske projekt, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

22.10.2010       “Human Perfection: Overcoming Oneself. A Discussion of Kierkegaard’s Four Upbuilding Discourses from 1844” Centro de Filosofia, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

26.10.2010       “Imago Dei – References to the Invisible” Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

01.11.2010       “Imago Dei – Bild des Unsichtbaren” (Inaugural lecture as Privatdozentin), University of Zürich, Switzerland.

06.11.2010       “Methodische und konzeptionelle Probleme der Vertrauensforschung aus theologischer Perspektive” Interdisziplinäre Forschungstagung: Vertrauen im Streit der Interpretationen – Hermeneutische und methodische Probleme heutiger Vertrauensforschung, University of Zürich, Switzerland.

13.11.2010       “Self-Examination before the Searcher of Hearts” Phenomenology and Spiritual Practice: A Symposium, University of Oxford, England.

03.12.2010       “Scenes of Shame, Social Roles, and the Play with Masks” Shame and the Self, CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.