05.01.2007 “Extra nos esse in Emotion and Spirit: Luther and Kierkegaard on Sin and Self-Transcendence” Spirit and Spirituality, 15th Nordic Conference in Systematic Theology, organized by the University of Copenhagen, in Hillerød, Denmark.
09.02.2007 “Conscious of Conscience? The Invisible Mirror of the Self-Other-Relation” Despite Oneself. Subjectivity and its Secret in Kierkegaard and Levinas, CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
19.02.2007 “Philosophical Discourse on Evil: Problems and Prospects” Danish School of Education, Copenhagen, Denmark.
21.04.2007 “Being Moved Beyond Oneself? Heidegger, Levinas and Ricoeur on Relational Ontology” Self and Other, 5th annual conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
11.05.2007 “Conscience as a Means of Self-Disclosure in Luther, Heidegger and Ricoeur” Section of Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
24.05.2007 “The Self as Conflict: Guilt, Recognition and Reconciliation” Conflict, Communication and Emotion, PPS workshop, Philosophy Department, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
10.06.2007 “God – A Phenomenon? Theology as Semiotic Phenomenology of the Invisible” Hermeneutics and Phenomenology. Perspectives on the Philosophy of Religion, 1st Nordic Conference on Philosophy of Religion, University of Oslo, Norway.
01.11.2007 “Levinas, ‘the Others’ and Intercultural Dialogue” Europe and ‘the others’ (Forskerskolen i Kultur, Litteratur og Kunstfag), University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
03.11.2007 “Klage und Vertrauen: Sich verlassen auf Gott in Gottverlassenheit?” Klage, organized by the University of Bamberg, in Heilsbronn, Germany.
11.12.2007 “Kierkegaard and Levinas on Conscience, Love, and the Limits of Self-Understanding” CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
17.12.2007 “Terminological Clarifications and Questions: Trust, Familiarity, Confidence, Reliance” (Meeting of the CFS research group on trust, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
24.01.2008 “Emotion, Memory, Identity” Provstikonvent, Glostrup, Denmark.
08.02.2008 “God’s Givenness and Hiddenness. Franz Rosenzweig on Human Experience and Divine Deception” The Presence and Absence of God, Claremont Graduate University, USA.
27.-30.04.2008 “Witnessing Self-Transformation: Conscience, Communication, and Co-Presence” Witnessing. Cultural Roots, Media-Related Forms and Cultural Memory, International Research Symposium, organized by the University of Bochum and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, at the Villa Vigoni, Menaggio (Como), Italy.
13.05.2008 “Conscience and Self-Conscious Emotions” CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
23.05.2008 “(De)Formed by Feelings: The Self in Love, Guilt, and Shame” Feeling and Form, Philosophy Department, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
21.08.2008 “Identity as Self-Transformation: Emotional Conflicts and their Metamorphosis in Memory” Understanding Conflicts: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
29.08.2008 “Love as Gift and Self-Sacrifice” Sacrifice, 17th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Religion, University of Oslo, Norway.
07.10.2008 “Identity as Self-Transformation” CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
29.10.2008 “Trust, Faith, and Doubt” Meeting of the CFS research group on trust, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
18.11.2008 “Luther: Om mennesket” Provstikonvent, Holbæk/Tølløse, Denmark.
05.12.2008 “Trust as Basic Openness and Self-Transcendence” Trust, Sociality, Selfhood, CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.